8 Free Binary to English Converters Online

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In this article we will be talking about Binary to English converters available online. If you want to convert a code written in Binary to English so that you can read it, then these converters can come in handy. The best part is you do not have to download anything on your device. You can even use this as a encrypted or secret way to communicate with friends. They can send you messages in binary code and you can decode them to know what they are saying. You can also send a reply in the same mode.

What is Binary Code?

Binary numbers are a way of writing number in base 2. Each digit in binary numbers represents a different power of 2. The binary system uses 0’s and 1’s to represent numbers. For example, 0=0 in Binary, 1=1 in binary, 2=10 in Binary, 3=11 in Binary, 4=100 in Binary, etc. Each digit in binary is referred to as a bit.

Now for using alphabets in Binary you have ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). In ASCII, alphabets are represented by binary numbers. For example, A=1000001 in binary, B=1000010 in Binary, etc.

Now that we know what Binary code is, let’s see how we can convert it to English. Let’s look at binary to English converters below.


Cryptii is a nice website with lot of formats which can be converted available in it. You will also find Binary to text converter in here. This can also be seen in the screenshot above. In the first column you have to select Binary from the drop down. Then copy-paste your Binary numbers in it. In the second column select text from the drop down menu. As soon as you do that the converted text will be shown in the box below. You can paste any Binary code and it will be converted into text immediately.


Lingojam is a nice website where you can convert your Binary code to English. As you can see in the screenshot above, the website interface is pretty simple and easy to follow. You can enter any Binary code or you can even copy-paste a binary code in the first box. As soon as you paste a binary code its English translation will be shown in the adjacent text box. Its as simple as that.


RapidTables is a good website to convert binary to English. The website gives you a page like the one seen above to convert binary to English. You need to copy-paste the binary code in the first box. You can even write your own binary code if you want. Once you are done click the convert button. As soon as you click the convert button the binary code will be converted to English in the box given below the convert button. Select button will select the English text so you can copy it and use it anywhere. Reset button will clear both the boxes and you can start with a new conversion. Swap button will change the binary to English converter and swap it to the opposite that is English to binary.

Ashbox Binary Translator

Ashbox Binary Translator is a nice app to do lot of format conversions including Binary to English. There are typically two boxes given, one for binary code and second for the converted English. This can be seen in the screenshot above. The first box has a drop down menu at the bottom, from there select the binary to text converter. Then paste any binary code in the box or write a code. As soon as you enter the binary code, its English translation will appear in the second box. Using the two given button you can either copy the converted text or clear the box to start a new conversion.

Roubaixinteractive My Playground

Roubaixinteractive My Playground is a website with a section for binary to English conversion. The link to which is given. The converter page looks like the screenshot shown above. There are two boxes first will convert text to binary and second one will convert binary to English. So we will copy paste our binary code in the second box. After entering the binary code, click the “to text” button given at the bottom of the box. As soon as you click this button your binary code is converted in to English and is displayed in the adjacent box.

Convert Binary

Convert Binary is a nice website to convert binary to various formats including English. The binary to English converter can be seen in the screenshot above. In this you have to enter your binary code in the first given box. You can also copy-paste the binary code. Once done click on the button which says Translate!. As soon as you click this button the converted text will appear in the box given below the translate button.

Unit Conversion

Unit Conversion is a nice website to convert binary to English. It has a simple converter which can be see in the screenshot above. In the first box with the label input data, enter your binary code. Once done you come to the convert drop down box. From this box select binary numbers to text. As soon as you select that the binary code pasted in the above box will be converted to text in the box labelled as output.


QBit is a good website to convert binary to English. As you can see in the screenshot above, the website interface is pretty simple. You enter your binary code in the given box or you can even copy paste it. Then you have two button given below this box, choose the one which says “decode binary code to text”. This will convert the binary code you entered into to text.


These are some nice binary to English converters online. You can try out any one of these, they all work pretty well. All these converters are online so you are not required to download anything. Go ahead and try them out.

Free/Paid: Free

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