5 Online Printable Word Search Games Free

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This article covers 5 Online printable Word Search games free. In here we have covered websites which offer you free printable word search game sheets. Word search games are quite popular among kids as well as adults. They are said to improve your vocabulary as well as your focus. These games can prove real good for kids as they can learn letter recognition, problem solving skills, etc.

These websites offer you printable sheets of word search games because not everyone prefers to be on the computer while they are relaxing or playing this game. Specially, in case of children, you don’t want them to play games on computer for too long. Printable sheets would be the best way to make them engage in game play and learn something as well.

All the word search games work the same way. You will get a word grid with jumbled up letters and you need to find words in this grid. The words can be highlighted vertically, horizontally, diagonally, forward, or backward. Let’s look at these online printable word search games free below.


Puzzles is a nice website with lots of printable word search games. When you open this website using the given link, you will see a page like the one shown above. Under the word search games category, you will find lots of printable sheets. The printable sheets are arranged in alphabetical order. You can open and print any one you want. You will notice that each word search game has the puzzle and solution along with it. Both of these can be printed out. When you click on the puzzle link, the puzzle will open up in a new window as shown in the screenshot below.

From this screen you can print the word search game shown on your screen. Once you print the puzzle, you can close the window and return to the main website.

The Word Search

The Word Search is a website dedicated to word search games. You can see its home page in the screenshot above. The website has hundreds of word search games available. The 20 most popular ones are displayed on its home page with a print this puzzle button of each of them. Rest of the puzzles can be browsed through given categories. When you click on a puzzle it will open up in printable page like the one shown in the screenshot below.

On this page you will find some instructions on how to download. You can download this puzzle either in PDF or image format. For saving in image format, right click on the puzzle and choose the option “save image as”. Whereas, a download link is given to download the PDF file. After downloading you can print this puzzle sheet easily.

Word Search Addict

Word Search Addict is nice website with lots of word search games. The home page of the website looks like the above screenshot. The home page has lots of puzzle categories listed. You can browse through the categories and choose the one you want to print. When you click on a category it will open up in full page, like the screenshot below.

At the top of the page you will find print instructions and below that the puzzle image is given. There are two methods to print he puzzle along with its solution. One is where you download the PDF version of the file and then print it easily. The second one asks you to click on the puzzle image. The puzzle will open up in a new window. Now you can print the puzzle from here using the print command.


Brainzilla is a great website with lots of word search games. The website provides word search games with three difficulty levels which are easy, medium, and hard. All the puzzles are available in PDF file format. You can browse through the puzzles and select the one you want. When you click on the puzzle it will open up the PDF file, as can be seen in the screenshot below.

You can easily download or print this word search game file using the icons given on the top right side. You can also zoom in or out of the page. Notice that there are 2 pages in the PDF file, one is the puzzle and the second page is the solution to the puzzle. If you want you can download all the puzzles you want and print them at once.


DLTK Kids also has lots of word search games. The home page of the website shows all the games listed category wise. You can browse through these categories and choose a category you like. When you choose a category the puzzle in it will open up in full page, as shown in the screenshot below.

On this page, you will see the word puzzle with some instructions about printing the puzzle. There are two difficulty levels available which are easy and challenging. You can also choose between colorful print out or black & white print out. Once you make these two choices, click the link given, the puzzle will open up. Now you can just hit the print button at the top to print this puzzle.


These are 5 online printable word search games free. The benefit of printed word search games is that you can play these along with friends. Playing it on paper will make it more fun for kids as well. So do try out these websites for playing word search games.

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