How to Test Website Speed without Ads

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This tutorial explains how to test website speed without ads. Here I have mentioned a free online website which lets you check website speed with and without ad blocker. It calculates the website load time and many other parameters that you can analyze. Here it uses uBlock Origins as an ad blocker and then tests the websites load time. Not only this but the tool is open source and you can easily run it locally or host it on a VPS that you own. This is simple and there isn’t even a registration option on the main website of this tool.

Generally websites and blogs use ads which are nothing but JS code snippets. When the website loads then those scripts start loading as well, and they can be slow and may impact on the overall load time of the website. In this case, you will not be able to get the correct website load time. Which is why, it is good to use a websites load time monitor that can calculate the uptime by excluding the ads. And the web app I have mentioned here does exactly that. You just give it the URL of a website and it will start doing its work.

Website Speed Test without ads

How to Test Website Speed without Ads?

the is a very simple online tool with a simple interface. You can go to its homepage from here. Or, in case if the main website goes down then you can simply get its source code from here and then simply host it locally on a remote server. After that, you just submit the URL of the website that you want to check on its main interface and then you are simply done. It is simple as that.

Website Speed Test Interface

After submitting the URL of the desired websites to this tool, you simply need to start the test. Give it sometime while it thoroughly checks the website. Here it creates two reports of the website load time; one is with the ads and the other one without ads. You can analyze the report that it generates without involving site ads and analyze the parameters such as load time, processing time, page size, DOM content load time, iFrames, energy used, cookies, blocked requests, and some other advanced metrics.

Website Speed Test in action

You can see the overview of the report that it generates after analyzing the given URL. In the report, you can analyze the various parameters that it calculates for the input URL. You can use this simple online tool in this way and then you are simply done.

Closing thoughts

There are many online websites load time checker tools out there that you can use. But they don’t let you check website speed without ads. If you want to check any website speed without ads then you just use the online web app I have mentioned here.

Free/Paid: Free

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