How to Generate Google Maps URL from Addresses in Google Sheet

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Easy Maps is an Add-on for Google Sheets that can create a Google Maps URL from the Address Data present in a Sheet. It is available from the Google Marketplace and the link for download has been provided at the end of this article.

In addition to creating the URL, Easy Maps Add-on can also populate your Sheet with the Latitude and Longitude of the place.

How it Works:

1. Install the Easy Maps Add-on from the Google Marketplace.

2. Open a new Google Sheet and type the address data. Make sure you label the Columns that contain the address data as Address Line, City, State, Country and more as indicated in the screenshot. Also label the columns where you wish to store the URL, Latitude and Longitude of the places.

Address Data

3. Click on the ‘Extensions’ menu. Then click on ‘Easy Maps’ and open the Add-on.

Open Add-on

4. The Add-on will process your sheet and figure out which columns contain the address data.

5. Select all the Address Columns one by one where the data has been stored.

Select Columns

6. Under URL Column, select the column that you have specified above for this purpose.

7. Under Lat Column and Long Column, indicate the columns where you want to store the Latitude and Longitude values.

8. Click on Create Maps URL. In a couple of seconds, the Add-on will process all the address data, generate the URLs, Latitude and Longitude and stores the values in the columns that you have specified.

URLs Created

9. You can copy the URL, paste in a browser tab and press Enter to cross check if the Location being shown is the same that you have entered in the Sheet.

Note that if you indicate pin-pointed locations like House nos. or unrecognized names, then the results will be unexpected and incorrect.


Easy Maps is a cool Add-on from the Google Marketplace to convert address data from a Google Sheet into Google Maps URL. It also supports calculation of the Latitude and Longitude of the place. I verified the Google Maps URL and found it to works accurately. The Lat and Long data is also precise.

Click here to download the Easy Maps Add-on.

Free/Paid: Free

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