SpyDialer is a Free Tool to Reverse Lookup Phone Numbers in the US with some additional details, without notifying it’s user.
Reverse phone lookup is a method of finding information and discovering, who a phone number belongs to, through extensive search of white pages, publicly available records, forums, communities, and more, from the world wide web.
SpyDialer has access to billions of US phone records that are used to perform the reverse lookup so that necessary information can be collected about a phone number. It performs a lookup on any number including mobile, landlines & VOIP phone numbers.
All that you are required to do is type the number that you wish to search and get the information as fast as possible.
The results of the Reverse Phone Lookup may provide the following details about the Number:
- Owners Name
- Address
- Community Reviews
- Is the Number involved in making Spam Calls or not
and more.
You must remember that the above details provided by SpyDialer greatly depend on the phone number itself. For example, often the Owner’s name and Address may not be available as many people are good at hiding their info online. After every search, you are provided with an option to mark the number as Safe or Unsafe depending upon if the number is Spam or not.
You can even perform a search using First and Last name to get more details about the person but this information is only available to paid subscribers.
Final comments:
- SpyDialer seems to be a good tool to Reverse Lookup any phone number in the US but the information that it provides is majorly the Type of number (Mobile, Landline etc), Name of the Carrier and the Location of the number. Owner’s name and Address aren’t available for obvious reasons.
- Often, SpyDialer is unable to provide the Owner’s name in case of even those numbers that should be easily and publicly available such as Museums, Art galleries and more.
Click here to navigate to SpyDialer and start reverse searching US Phone numbers.