Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics Tracking with Leftronic

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Leftronic is a free web analytics service where companies and individuals as well can easily monitor, combine and track several different statistics, from several different sources, Google and Facebook for example. In today’s world having precise information about potential customers is very important because if you know who and why is liking your companies products and services, you’ll be able to sell them better, with Leftronic you can do exactly that, and more.

Lefttronic default window

There are both free and paid versions of Leftronic. Free version plan is called Free Forever and it only includes one dashboard. A dashboard is what data sources are called in Leftronic. Notice on the image above, that you can choose several different sources from where statistics can be gathered. We have:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook
  • Pivotal Tracker
  • Twitter
  • Zendesk
  • Amazon Web Services

These are just some of the online website usage statistics from where Leftronic can gather information and display them for you, all in one place. With the free account you can add only one of these services, Facebook for example, because you are limited to only one dashboard, to combine more services, you’re gonna have to move on up to one of the paid accounts.

Similar Software: Conversocial, TweetSheet, Woopra.

Combine online services usage tracking with Leftronic

Great advantage to using a service like Leftronic is that you can manage and have an overview over important usage stats all from one place. There’s no need to jump from account to account, you can combine them all with Leftronic, and first step in doing that is to add each one of the accounts that you have to the Leftronic list.

Leftronic allow access

Window that pops up for you when you start Leftronic for the first time can be seen on the first image from above. Find a statistic service that you’re interested in tracking, we’ve selected Facebook, and then give Leftronic access to your account, this is what we are doing on the second image. If your company has a Facebook fan page, and you’re interested to see what kind of popularity it has, you can do that with the help of Leftronic.

Lefttronic facebook connected

After you have given permission to Leftronic to have access to your account, it will automatically start monitoring likes, impressions, adds, removals that you’re Facebook page receives. You can see that on the image above, there are very precise statistics tracking types available where you can see every aspect of popularity for your Facebook page.


Like we mentioned already, Facebook isn’t the only data source from where you can track and monitor popularity and usage statistics, a lot more popular commerce websites, social networks can be added, and on each one of them Leftronic will check for popularity, sort the numbers in nice statistical diagrams and show them to you so that you can be better informed about the popularity of goods and/or services that you’re company is offering. Try the Free Forever plan, connect your Facebook or Twitter accounts and see how Leftronic can help you out, it’s free, so it doesn’t cost you anything to try, you have nothing to lose.

Works With: Windows, Linux, Mac
Free/Paid: Free

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