Free MP3 Downloader to Search and Download MP3 Files: MP3 Grabber

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MP3 Grabber is a free audio tool that helps you search mp3 files online and download them from a specific web address. Music can be downloaded from music sites as well as video sites using this free mp3 downloader. You don’t need to download any other app or become a member of a site to start the search and download process. It grabs music and videos from almost all the sites on the net. This file is suitable for DJs and music lovers who like to keep a track of latest songs and videos. It’s free and the whole process does not take much time.

Installation of MP3 Grabber

To install this free mp3 downloader, you need to follow this link. Once you open this site just click on the download button and an .exe set up file will be downloaded. Click on the set up file and the installation process will start. It just takes less than a minute to install this free mp3 grabber and you need to follow the usual installation process. You should click on the next button and finally on the finish button to complete the installation. As soon as the installation is finished you can start using the software. You can also try Exact Audio Copy, XreCode and Audio Dub reviewed by us.

Interface of this MP3 Downloader

MP3 Grabber has a very simple interface with all the options present there on the screen. The search boxes, web address, save folder, etc. are all present on the screen and this makes it user friendly. Any person familiar with internet and people who regularly download songs will find this free audio tool very easy to use.

Using MP3 Grabber

Before you start using MP3 Grabber you should be clear about which song you want to download and where you want to save them. The first option in this free mp3 grabber is named “track it down search” and here you need to enter the name or the keyword of the song. If you click on the “view search page” tab then a page opens in your browser with a list of songs related to the keyword entered by you. But if you click on “create search URL” tab then the software provides a URL that you can use to search songs. The URL comes up in the “Web address to download from” box.

When an appropriate URL appears you can either click on “Download MP3s”, “Paste and Download MP3s” or “Browse for Web page file.” If you click on download mp3s then some selected links will be provided and you can download songs from one of them. The option browse for web page file can be used to search any internet file located in your computer.

While the paste and download mp3s is used when you copy any url. This is a very helpful option as you just need to copy any URL from where you want to download a song and click on this option. A list of links will appear on the screen and you can click on the appropriate link.

Then there is the option named “process downloaded mp3s” + “move mp3s to review folder.” These options help you to review the songs you download and start using them. Below these options you can see the tabs through which you can open the folder where the songs are being downloaded and also get the option to change the download folder. The best thing about this software is that it will inform if you download a song that already exists in your computer. It is very important to decide which song you want to download and which link is suitable to you while you use MP3 Grabber.

Works With: Windows XP, Vista and 7
Free/Paid: Free

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