Find Hotels Online Using Google Hotel Finder

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Google Hotel Finder will help you find hotels online on Google maps. Find hotels in a selected area of your choice according to price and ratings.

Hotel finder is a good web application through which you can find hotels in a particular area which you select. You can search for an area or select a specific area on the Google map to find hotels in that area. Are you planning to stay in a new area, use this Hotel Finder to find hotels and have a happy stay.

hotel finder

About This Hotel finder:

This Hotel Finder is powered by Google maps; so you know how powerful your experience with this app can be. You can find hotels in just a particular place or neighborhood. You can find area to stay, bookmark hotels to refer later, and find hotels according to price, rating, etc. A number of predefined destinations are given in the homepage but if you want to find places other than mentioned in the list, then just type them in the search bar. You can search by typing in city name or address or hotel name in the search bar (as shown in below screenshot).

hotel finder search

Just type in your query and you will be redirected to page where all the hotels will be shown on the left side and a map section of the area on the right side like shown in the below screenshot. Just scroll down to look at the list of the hotels in that area. If you want to sort according to: Price, Hotel class – highest first, hotel class – lowest first, user rating, and price compared to usual, then these options can be accessed by clicking on sort button.

If you want to stay for more number of days or from a particular date to some date, then click on the calendar option available and choose the dates. Use the Select Area option to select an area in the map to display the hotels only in that area. You can also set price range, hotel class, user ratings, and amenities with those options available just above the map. Click on any of those hotels (marked with red bubbles) and you will see full details of it. You can see the overview, photos, reviews, locations, and rooms information when you click on a hotel. You can add them to your shortlist with the Add to shortlist button.

hotel finder page

Just use this Google supported Hotel finder to find hotels easily. Some of the hotels may not have any information or some of the reviews may be fake. just choose accordingly. Want to check out another interesting application powered by Google, then read this review on Find Indian Trains on Google Maps. You can also read our featured post on free website to find roommates.

Click here to visit Hotel Finder Website.

Free/Paid: Free

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