Free Birthday Reminder App for iPhone: Birthday Calendar+
Birthday Calendar+ is a free birthday reminder app for iPhone to set up birthday reminders and other events along with sending virtual gifts to friends.
→Birthday Calendar+ is a free birthday reminder app for iPhone to set up birthday reminders and other events along with sending virtual gifts to friends.
→Clear Day is a free weather forecast iPhone app which shows weather forecast including Humidity, Wind Speed, Visibility etc. via video themes and 3D Maps.
→VithU: V Gumrah Initiative is free SOS app for Android to send message, location updates every 2 minutes to added contacts by pressing power button twice.
→FIFA app is an official iPhone app to keep you updated about football via latest news, photos, videos. You can check schedules, results, rankings etc.
→Caynax A6W Abs Workout is free Android workout app to get 6 pack abs in 6 weeks by performing 6 exercises daily. Exercises are explained with text, images.
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→Mario Jump is free Mario game for Android to make Mario jump up on sticks by tilting phone. Avoid flying birds, collect coins, use springs to jump higher.
→Friday: Automated Journal app for Android stores details of phone call, SMS, songs, photos. You can add /share posts, add tags, and get driving directions.
→SolCalendar is free Android Calendar to add events, reminders, symbols, location and memos to any date; you can share events, make to-do-list, add widgets
→Viral Floating YouTube Popup is free YouTube app for Android to watch YouTube videos in pop-up windows over other apps. You can search, save, share videos.
→Facebook Fast is a free Facebook app for Android to access News Feed, messages, FB profiles, photos, pages, check notifications for posts, likes, requests.
→Mario Parody Version 2 is a free Mario game for Android. Collect coins, stars, candies, and use fire to kill the poisonous creatures.