3 Free Business Process Management Software for Windows
Here is a list of 3 free business process management software for Windows. You can create and edit business processes or designs.
→Here is a list of 3 free business process management software for Windows. You can create and edit business processes or designs.
→Here is a list of best free meme search engine. These search engines include some popular as well as other platforms to find interesting memes.
→Here is a free Slack app to connect Google Sheets with Slack. You can preview a Google Sheets document, list all sheets, preview first N rows, etc.
→Here is a free knowledge management Slack bot for dev teams. Add questions and answers to its database and it will show answer of a question quickly.
→Here are 20 free placeholder image generator websites. You can create placeholder image with custom size. Most of these sites also let you add custom text.
→This article covers how to transfer Spotify playlist to Deezer. You can select one or multiple playlists and then transfer Spotify tracks to Deezer account.
→Here are 3 free Google Translate software for PC. You can add original text and use Google Translate service to translate that text.
→Here are two free software to split PDF by bookmarks. You can add PDF file and then all the bookmarked PDF pages will be saved as separate PDF files.
→Here are two free software to split PDF by size. You can add a PDF, set size like 1 MB, 100 KB, etc., and based on that size, PDF file is splitted.
→This article covers free online options to convert selected pages of PDF to Word. You can create a separate Word file or multiple Word files from PDF pages.
→This article covers two free websites to split PDF by bookmarks. All the bookmarked pages of PDF files are splitted as separate PDF files.
→Here are two free websites to add Bates numbering to PDF. You can add PDF from desktop, Google Drive, or Dropbox, and then add Bates numbering.
→Here are two free websites to split PDF by text. You can add select text area on a page of a PDF and then split PDF based on that text area.
→This article shows how to turn Google Forms to chatbot. You can add URL of Google Forms and chat is created for questions and answers of that Google Form.