See Gmail, Calendar, Docs At A Single Place with Storyline
storyline (beta) is a free web app that helps to explore emails of Google mail account, view upcoming events, preview attachments, and documents.
→storyline (beta) is a free web app that helps to explore emails of Google mail account, view upcoming events, preview attachments, and documents.
→Glary Disk Explorer is a free disk space analyzer software to check large files and folders present in PC. Provides beautiful pie chart view of disk space.
→Wipe is a freeware to delete temporary files, cookies, index .dat files, history of browsers, session information, etc. from system tray or using interface.
→FLV-Media-Player is one of the best free flv player that can play different types of audio video files. Capture video screenshots and create playlists.
→Pop-up Controller is a Firefox add-on that can be used to either open pop ups in new tab instead of new window or to block all pop ups in a single click.
→Clean Master for PC is a free system cleaner software that helps to clean system junk files, browsers’ cache, software junks, junks files in registry, etc.
→Cryptbin is a free website to create and send self destructible messages with encryption. It is useful to send public and private messages.
→Tab Scope is a free Firefox add-on to preview inactive tabs by doing mouse over on any tab. Also click on links and reload tabs from preview window.
→MailMe is a free Chrome extension that helps to automatically send webpage link to your email account inbox in just a single click.
→kamkode (beta) is a free barcode generator and scanner software. It supports 9 types of barcode formats to generate barcode and scans barcode using webcam.
→Musicgeeks is a free website to discover one new song every day fetched from SoundCloud. Also provides a dancing gif with each individual song.
→Planleaf is a free service to create to do list by composing an email. It helps to assign tasks to people and collaborate with them using a task list.
→Confessium is a free website to post confessions anonymously. Post your secrets or anything you want to share with others and read confessions of others.
→InstantStorm is a freeware to turn flash file (swf file) into screensaver. It helps to generate installer file or a standalone screensaver file (*.scr).