Get 100 Words Summary for a Webpage, Save and Share
Skim.It is a free website to get 100 words summary for a webpage. Use its Chrome extension to get auto summary of webpage or enter webpage address manually.
→Skim.It is a free website to get 100 words summary for a webpage. Use its Chrome extension to get auto summary of webpage or enter webpage address manually.
→Free Invoice Generator is an online website to create invoices and download invoices as PDF file. Provides a sample invoice for generating custom invoices.
→fflip is a free website that helps to discover some random interesting videos. Videos are uploaded to YouTube by YouTube users, channels, etc.
→SUPER-LOOPER is a free web application that helps to create music in browser. It helps to produce record the music and share with friends.
→Pinterest Tab is a Chrome extension to show Pinterest images in new tab. It opens a new image for each new tab and helps to pin it to Pinterest account.
→Save as Doc is a free add-on for Google Spreadsheets to converts Google Spreadsheet to Google Doc. Select cells and convert those cells to Google Doc.
→WhenShallWe is a free online meeting scheduler website to schedule a meeting in just three easy steps. No sign up is required to schedule meetings.
→Viscom Store GIF Converter helps to convert video to Gif. It also helps to add text watermark and image watermark for output gif.
→Lockify is a free Chrome extension that helps to send private information securely. It encrypts the data and generates link to share it with anyone.
→rakable (beta) is a free website to share links with friends and add comments. Link title, summary, and main image is automatically inserted.
→SubSeek is a free software to download subtitles for movies using right-click context menu. Right-click on a movie and download subtitles.
→i-Fun Viewer is a free photo viewer that comes with photo slideshow and photo editor feature. It is useful to rotate, resize, and crop photos.
→Super Duper Notepad is a free portable notepad that helps to insert media files in text file. Also provide a calculator and screen capture tool.
→Wise System Monitor (beta) is a free system monitoring software to monitor running processes and live RAM usage. Also provides system hardware information.