Extract Images From Video, Convert Video To Audio, Create Video Clips
Decompile Video Master helps to extract images from video, convert video file into audio, and cut a particular part of a video to create video clips.
→Decompile Video Master helps to extract images from video, convert video file into audio, and cut a particular part of a video to create video clips.
→glossed.it (or Gloss) is an online text highlighter service that helps to save important text and read saved highlights later on.
→Syncplify.me Notepad! is a useful text editor software that helps to create and edit multiple text files together. Also useful for programming files.
→SSuite Recipe Organiser helps to create, edit, and store favorite recipes. Write summary, insert images, web links, highlight import text, etc. for recipes.
→Avira PC Cleaner is a handy malware removal tool that helps to automatically detect and remove malware from PC.
→Hekapad is a useful and completely free text editor that helps to create, edit text files, as well as combine multiple text files into one.
→Easy Clipboard Organizer (ECO) is a handy clipboard manager that helps to store history of copied text, files, links, and images.
→System Information Changer is a handy system information utility that helps to view as well change system information.
→Screencastify is a handy screen video recorder extension for Google Chrome that helps to record full screen activity of any tab as well as desktop screen.
→3D PageFlip Reader is a handy 3D flip book reader that helps to read and share 3DP flip book files. It is completely free to use.
→PDFMate PDF Converter is a handy pdf file converter that helps to convert a pdf file to text, ePub (eBooks), swf, image, html, and in doc format.
→Secure Folders is a handy software that helps to protect files and folders and also provides password protection to lock its interface.
→Norton ConnectSafe service helps to change PC DNS server for safe Internet browsing. It automatically blocks unsafe websites (like pornography, scam sites).
→Digital-Fever Hash Computer (also known as HashComputer) is a portable md5 hash generator that helps to calculate hashes of files and custom text.