Get Email Notifications for Gmail, Hotmail, POP3, IMAP Accounts
allino is a free email notifier that shows email notifications for multiple email accounts. It supports Gmail, Hotmail, POP3 and IMAP accounts.
→allino is a free email notifier that shows email notifications for multiple email accounts. It supports Gmail, Hotmail, POP3 and IMAP accounts.
→Free Collage Maker is a completely free picture collage maker that allows to quickly create a beautiful photo collage with almost any kind of image.
→Catalano Secure Delete is a useful software that allows to permanently delete files from PC so that they cannot be recovered. Get it free.
→CommentME helps to add captions to photos to create photo comments. It also allows to add memes, shapes, text to enhance photo comment to publish online.
→PDFstash is an online pdf viewer that allows to upload, store, organize pdf files to access important pdf documents from anywhere.
→Easy Watermark Studio Lite is a handy software to watermark photos in bulk with text, image, and some useful effects. Get it free.
→WinAudit is a handy system information software that is used to generate a detailed list of all the hardware components and software installed on PC.
→Domostra.com is a free online service to create your own homepage by adding favorite links, multiple search engines, RSS reader, translator, email services.
→Online PDF Tools is a multipurpose service that allows to convert any file to pdf, merge files to pdf, rotate pdf pages, and convert any file to jpg.
→GMailS is a free desktop application that is used to send emails and attachments right from the desktop by login to Gmail account.
→Audio Chaos (Audio Chaos SG) is a free music mixer software that is used to generate interesting soundscapes, music, or noise with mp3, wav, and aif files.
→Conv2pdf (beta) is a free convert to pdf service that helps to convert almost any kind of document to pdf document. Any doc file, rtf, html file, etc.
→AbleWord is a free word processor that is used to create, edit plain text files, rich text files, html files, doc & docx documents, and pdf files.
→Google Authenticator is a free Android app to generate two step verification codes on your phone. Adds extra layer of protection for Google accounts.