Build Own Family History Website With Free Online Family Tree Maker
Tribalpages is a free online family tree maker service that helps to build own family history website to add family names, photos, biography etc. Try it.
→Tribalpages is a free online family tree maker service that helps to build own family history website to add family names, photos, biography etc. Try it.
→Media.io is a free service that helps to online convert audio files to mp3, wav, ogg, and wma audio file along with desired audio quality. Try it for free.
→Ubiquitous Player is a multipurpose portable suite that contains music player, image viewer, text editor, color picker, calculator and more. Get it free.
→Youroldpic is a free online service that allows to create beautiful vintage looking photos instantly and with a single click only. Try it for free.
→Wi-Host is a free portable software for Windows that helps to create wi-fi hotspot on PC or laptop to share internet connection. Get it free.
→xFiles is a free online peer to peer file sharing service that helps to send large files without uploading them to servers. Try it for free.
→Moo0 Video to Audio converter is a video file conversion software that allows to convert video and audio files into an audio file of desired format.
→ZZOOM is a multipurpose tool for Windows that can be used as a computer screen magnifier, color picker, and an image capture tool. Get it free.
→Conjurers Encrypter 4 is a free encryption software for Windows that helps to encrypt files or folders to protect them. Encrypt, decrypt files in a click.
→Notes is an app for Chrome to create notes with one click & saves notes automatically. Use this free notes app to store thoughts, ideas with a single click.
→Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder is a software for Windows for finding and removing duplicate photos and similar looking photos from computer. Free Download.
→ClickBoard is a free Chrome Extension that helps to create notes by selecting text on a webpage. Sync with Google Docs to save, load, or export notes.
→Linebin is a free online service that helps to write notes online, attach images to enhance them, and add hash tag to store notes in categories. Try it free