Write Documents Online, Collaborate, Publish Documents With DRAFT
DRAFT is a free service that helps to write documents online, collaborate with friends to edit documents, and post them to Twitter, Wordpress, Tumblr etc.
→DRAFT is a free service that helps to write documents online, collaborate with friends to edit documents, and post them to Twitter, Wordpress, Tumblr etc.
→VJC (Visual JPEG Compression) is a simple tool to compress image size, adjust quality of image, and save output image into JPEG format. Get it free.
→TrayStatus is a Num Lock, Scroll Lock, Caps Lock Indicator software for Windows that also shows activity of hard drive in system tray. Get it free.
→Wise Program Uninstaller is a free Windows software that helps to forcibly remove unwanted programs including their files, folders, and registry entries.
→Mini Notepad is a Google Chrome extension which allows to create notes and notes are saved automatically in real time. Add it free to Google Chrome.
→Tweety is a Windows Twitter Client that helps to update Twitter status and it also automatically checks for new tweets. Get Tweety for free.
→Espeha is a free task management software for Windows that helps to create and edit tasks. Create tasks, subcategories and colorize them to set priority.
→Multiple Image Resizer.NET is a software that helps to resize images in batch and gives image overlay facility, add text and border to images. Get it free.
→Bilderman is a free screen capturing software for Windows that captures the whole screen or the active window and saves screenshot in png format.
→Shuangs Audio Joiner is a free tool for Windows that helps to join audio files such as MP3, WMA, and WAV to make them a single audio file. Get it free.
→Categorizer is free Chrome extension that allows to add websites for certain days of week and into multiple categories for quick access. Add it for free.
→Flakka.net is an online service that allows to create live photo sessions to share photos with friends in real time, and group chat with friends.
→PDF4Free is a free software that helps to create PDF files from applications such as MS-Word, WordPad, or all the applications that supports printing.
→Cartoon Yourself allows to convert photo to painting with a single click. Image is converted into water painting. Download it free for Windows.