Record Videos And Post Videos To Twitter With Frtr.me (No longer available)
Frtr.me is a free video posting service for Twitter users which allows to record videos with webcam and later on post videos to Twitter.
→Frtr.me is a free video posting service for Twitter users which allows to record videos with webcam and later on post videos to Twitter.
→Notes.io is a free text notes service which allows you to write short notes on your browser itself and share it with your friends.
→Here is a short tutorial on How to create YouTube video playlist of Favorite artists. Create YouTube video playlist for free.
→Here is a step by step tutorial on How to calculate application startup time. Download AppTimer free to know application startup time.
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→Here is a step by step tutorial on “How to preview Google Docs in Gmail”. The attached Google Docs files can be previewed in Gmail.
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→MSN Headlines is a free desktop gadget which shows latest or most recent headlines from MSN, right there on your desktop.
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→MetroTwit is a free Twitter client for desktop to access Twitter from your desktop without touching the browser. Download MetroTwit free.
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→Clipboard Magic is a free clipboard manager for Windows which eliminates manual copying and pasting of same plain text again and again.
→SimilarSites is a free online search service which helps you to find similar websites to any website in a blink. Try SimilarSites free.
→YouTube Leanback is a free YouTube service which allows you to watch YouTube videos or YouTube channel in TV mode. Try YouTube Leanback free.