Check if your Domain is Secured with DNSSEC
Here you will find different methods to check if your domain is secured with DNSSEC. You can enter any domain name and see the DNSSEC status for free.
→Here you will find different methods to check if your domain is secured with DNSSEC. You can enter any domain name and see the DNSSEC status for free.
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→This is a list of 5 free online mood tracker to track your daily mood. You can use them to add moods on daily basis and track them with ease.
→This is a list of 6 free and open source alternatives to Slack. They offer almost all the basic and some advanced features similar to Slack for your team.
→Here you will learn many ways using which you can easily check if your website has X-Content-Type-Options header in the HTTP response or not.
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→In this tutorial, you will earn about many free online service which can be used to check if X Frame Options header is enabled on your website or not.
→This tutorial explains various methods which can be used to check if X-XSS Protection is enabled in HTTP response header on our website or not.
→This is a free official desktop client of Facebook Workplace for team chat. You can use it for team chat, audio call, video call, and also screen sharing.
→Here is a nicely drawn comparison between Zoho Cliq and Slack based on various features like file sharing, audio/video calls, group/private chat, etc.
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→This is a list of 5 best free iPhone apps to convert video to GIF. You can use these apps to set frame rate, playback speed, etc. to turn videos into GIFs.
→Here is a free Slack alternative for having seamless team communication. It offers various features like chat, audio calls, video calls, file sharing, etc.