5 Relaxing Sounds Extensions for Chrome
These 5 Chrome apps and extensions let you listen to relaxing sounds right from your browser. Check them out.
→These 5 Chrome apps and extensions let you listen to relaxing sounds right from your browser. Check them out.
→Here’s a list of 5 college football results apps for Android which can be used to keep track of college football results.
→Here’s a list of 5 port scanner software for Windows 10 which can be used to find out which ports devices on your local network have open.
→Here’s a list of 4 gesture music player apps for Android which you can use to listen to music using gestures.
→Here’s a list of 5 zombie game extensions for Chrome which can be used to have fun killing zombies on Chromebooks and the Chrome web browser.
→Here’s a list of 5 website color changer extensions for Chrome which can be use to change website colors so that they look a bit more to your liking.
→Here are 6 ways to embed polls in emails. Using these, you can send polls that people can vote from within their email.
→Here’s a list of 5 imgur upload software for Windows 10 which you can use to upload images to the imgur image hosting website.
→Here’s a list of 5 video to audio apps for Android which you can use to convert videos into audio tracks.
→Here’s a list of 5 lottery number generator apps for Android which you can use to generate lottery numbers when buying lottery tickets.
→Here are 5 best free 4K media players. All these are really good to play 4K resolution videos smoothly. You can also play other HD videos and audio files.
→Here is a list of 5 free online mood board creator websites. You can find different templates on these websites or create your own boards from scratch.
→This is a list of 5 best free Android apps to create a bucket list. Create goals and add them to the bucket list for tracking.
→Here’s a list of 5 password hasher extensions for Chrome which you can use to create strong hashed passwords for extra security.