Free Meme Generator App For iPhone: Meme Generator by MemeCrunch
Meme Generator is a free meme generator app for iPhone to generate interesting and funny memes using templates and custom pictures to save and share.
→Meme Generator is a free meme generator app for iPhone to generate interesting and funny memes using templates and custom pictures to save and share.
→Battery Doctor is a free battery saver app for iPhone which lets you check and optimize the battery usage. It also helps you in increasing battery life.
→Dumb Ways To Die is a free iPhone fun game based on the original video. You have to unlock the video by collecting points by saving characters from dying.
→QuizUp is a free iPhone app which lets you play quiz against real players. The app has a very large database of questions divided across various categories.
→Book My Show is a free app for iPhone to search and book tickets for events like movies, sports, plays. It also shows venues nearby you hosting the events.
→Falling Stars is a free music composition app for iPhone to create unique and impressive compositions by swiping on the screen.
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→Birthday Calendar+ is a free birthday reminder app for iPhone to set up birthday reminders and other events along with sending virtual gifts to friends.
→FIFA app is an official iPhone app to keep you updated about football via latest news, photos, videos. You can check schedules, results, rankings etc.
→Duolingo is a free language learning app for iPhone which lets you learn 6 languages Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Italian and English.
→Here are 5 Panorama apps for iPhone. With these apps you can click, view, share panorama photos. Know more about each panorama app here.
→Here are 5 free collage making apps for iPhone with the help of these apps you can arrange your photos in a single collage beautifully. Know more here!
→VampireBooth is a fun app for iPhone users which converts your and your’s friends images into a 3D vampire image which blinks and has fangs. Try it free.
→Here I have chosen 5 Web Browsers for iPhone, which can be nice choice as an alternative to Safari Web Browser . Read more about them here!