How To Automatically Like Facebook Posts Of A Specific Friend
This tutorial explains how to automatically like Facebook posts of a friend. You can like all posts of a specific friend or all posts in your newsfeed.
→This tutorial explains how to automatically like Facebook posts of a friend. You can like all posts of a specific friend or all posts in your newsfeed.
→This tutorial explains how to add volume control to Twitter videos. It can be done using a free Chrome extension “Twitter Volume Control”.
→Cardigan is a free website to delete old tweets, retweets, replies from Twitter timeline. You can sort tweets by oldest first, all tweets, retweets, etc.
→Neural Painter is a free Twitter bot to convert GIFs and photos from tweets into artwork with 11 famous art filters including Cubist, Seurat, Kanagawa, etc.
→This tutorial explains how to automatically hide Facebook posts that have been read. You can anytime choose to see hidden posts.
→Ramme is an unofficial desktop client for Instagram which lets you to browse Instagram feeds, notifications, and discover new Instagram profiles.
→This tutorial explains how to find your most retweeted tweets. There are various ways that I have covered in this tutorial for this task.
→This tutorial is all about how to stop and prevent Facebook videos from auto-playing on your iPhone, Android, and a desktop browser with ease.
→This tutorial explains how to see Instagram stories on desktop browser. Using this tutorial, you will be able to see stories of your friends on your desktop PC.
→Calcbot is a free Facebook messenger bot to solve simple mathematical expressions. It can also be used to convert measurement units and currencies, and solve simple trigonometric expressions.
→Facebook Friends Memo helps you to keep a note attached to any Facebook profile including your own. You can even edit the memo again and again.
→Follow this tutorial to simulate timeline of any Twitter user and see what they are seeing on their timeline.
→lknSuite is a free online service to manage your social media accounts. This service helps you to schedule posts on all your social media simultaneously.
→Anatine is a free open source desktop Twitter software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It lets you do everything that you can do on Twitter.com.