5 Free RSS to Twitter Services
Here are 5 Free RSS to Twitter services that let you publish RSS feed to Twitter. These include Dlvr.It, Twitterfeed, Ping.Fm, Feedburner, and HootSuite.
→Here are 5 Free RSS to Twitter services that let you publish RSS feed to Twitter. These include Dlvr.It, Twitterfeed, Ping.Fm, Feedburner, and HootSuite.
→Social Plus is a free Facebook extension for Firefox, Chrome, Safari that allows you to customize Facebook in just the way you want. Download Social Plus Free.
→Refynr lets you filter Twitter and Facebook feeds for selected keywords. Try Refynr free.
→GoPollGo is a free polling service to create polls on Twitter and Facebook. Try GoPollGo free.
→Buffer is a free Twitter Chrome extension that lets you schedule tweets. Download Buffer free.
→Photato is a free Windows Media center plugin to see Facebook photos in Windows Media Center. Download Photato free.
→Here are some social apps that let you connect with other people.
→AIM is a free instant messaging client, and you talk to Google Talk and Facebook chat with AIM. Download AIM free.
→Facebook PDF creator and Facebook PDF to Word are free Facebook applications to create PDF documents on Facebook, and convert PDF to Word on Facebook.
→Palringo is a free instant messaging client to chat on Yahoo, google talk, ICQ, Facebook, AIM, Jabber, MSN, and more. Download Palring free.
→Tab Badge is a free plugin for Firefox 4 that shows count of new Facebook messages in tab of Firefox. Also works with Gmail, Twitter, Google Reader.
→FollowFridayHelper is a free Twitter application that lets you find the Twitter users to recommend for #FollowFriday or #FF.
→Tweepi is a Twitter follower management tool that lets you mass unfollow Twitter followers, unfollow those who are not following you back, and mass follow those whom you are not following.
→Streamie is a free real time Twitter client that greatly enhances Twitter experience.