Video Chat From PC or Phone Without Downloading Anything
Gruveo lets you have free video calls and free voice calls from PC to PC, PC to Phone and Phone to Phone, without downloading anything.
→Gruveo lets you have free video calls and free voice calls from PC to PC, PC to Phone and Phone to Phone, without downloading anything.
→Watch2gether is a free website to watch online videos together. You can create online rooms, and invite your friends to watch with you. It has chat as well.
→Here is a list of 5 free websites to improve reading skills. These are some very interesting online platforms to polish your reading skills.
→Timedrip is a free website to post public notes. The notes will become visible at the scheduled date and time specified by you. Add password protection also.
→Educanon is a free website to create interactive video lessons with online videos. You can add questions in videos and assign them to students to answer.
→CodeMonkey is an amazing fun free website for kids to learn programming the fun way. It teaches basics of programming via a game that involves monkeys!
→Here is a list of 5 free websites to learn table manners and etiquette. You can learn the manners and ways of handling the crockery while at a dinner table.
→Fluency Tutor for Google is a free online service to improve reading skills of students. Teachers can assign reading passages, which can be then assessed.
→TextOnly is a free website to extract text from webpage or article link. It saves bandwidth by simply presenting text content and text hyperlinks.
→Here is the list of 5 free websites to convert webpage to text. Just give URL of the web page and these websites will convert that to text.
→TodaysMeet is a free online collaborative chat service for teacher-student interaction. You can manually close chat rooms and view chat transcript of rooms.
→Typing Rocket is a free online keyboarding game for kids. This game is used to type letters within 60 seconds and then score is generated.
→Privatize is a free website to send links privately by tweets. It only lets the twitter users mentioned in the associated tweet to access the privatized URL
→Here is a list of 5 free websites to create Infographics. You can create infographics by choosing from multiple templates available on these websites.