6 Borderless Image Viewers
A list of 6 free Image Viewing software that do not have window frame or border around the image.They are fast and provide good visual experience.
→A list of 6 free Image Viewing software that do not have window frame or border around the image.They are fast and provide good visual experience.
→BPGconv is a free BPG converter software. You can bulk convert JPG to BPG and vice versa. Also set quality and compression level to generate the output.
→This tutorial explains how to use speech bubbles in an image using Paint.NET. A free plugin is available that provides different shapes to perform the task.
→This tutorial explains how to sort images by color. I have covered a free software, named ImageSorter, to accomplish this task.
→Cropper is a free screen capture software with animated GIF recorder. You can set custom size & capture screenshots or record desktop as GIF
→Here is a list of 5 free avatar maker websites that let you create cool avatars as well as download them to PC.
→Gif frame extractor (splitter) is a free online tool to extract all the frames available in an animated gif and lets you download them as still images.
→AMB 1 is a free website that lets you create mood boards by creating folders and adding images to those folders in your Dropbox account.
→Here are 3 free websites to remove background from image. These websites support automatic mode as well as tools to remove the image background.
→This tutorial explains how to preview SVG files in thumbnails. You don’t need to first open a particular SVG file to check if you opened right file or not.
→Paint.NET 8bf filter plugin is used to host Photoshop filters in Paint.NET. Add any *.8bf file in Effects folder and it will help to use those filters.
→Windows 10 Photos app is a powerful app to edit colors of photos. Provides one-click photo enhance, filter, effects, and other options to enhance photos.
→Windows 10 has built-in feature to capture the full desktop screen and auto save it to PC. Two different ways are there to capture and save screenshots.
→This tutorial explains how to make mosaic in Paint.NET. You need an 8bf filter and a Paint.NET plugin to host that filter to generate mosaic in Paint.NET.