Bulk Image Resizer To Resize Images Using Presets
IceCream Image Resizer is a bulk image resizer software. It helps to use presets to resize images or manually resize images with custom height and width.
→IceCream Image Resizer is a bulk image resizer software. It helps to use presets to resize images or manually resize images with custom height and width.
→upScreen is a handy tool to capture screenshots and upload to FTP server. Full screen, a specific portion, or windows can be captured and uploaded to host.
→InstagramSaver is a handy Instagram downloader that helps to download photos and videos of any Instagram account.
→Vallen JPegger is a free image viewer to explore and view images. It also provides mp3 music explorer to view and play mp3 files and a screen capture tool.
→WinTrezur is an image viewer that can encrypt images and helps to view encrypted images on its interface. WinTrezur supports on-the-fly decryption.
→ImageOpen is a simple image viewer that helps to view images in frameless interface. It also helps to play image slideshow and animated gifs.
→Reddit Imgur Browser Downloader (or reddit/imgur Browser) is a Reddit downloader that helps to browse subreddits and download the images and animated gifs.
→PaintStar is a free image editing software. You can use this software to morph images together and save as animated GIF.
→Rsizr is a free online application that lets you intelligently resize your images. You can specify part of the image for which size should not change.
→SSuite Picsel is a portable steganography software that helps to hide text file and written text in image. It supports jpg, wmf, bmp, and png images.
→EasyCapture is a screen capture software to take screenshots. It also helps to crop screenshots, apply filters, and add annotations to screenshots.
→Free Online Image Resizer/Converter is a simple online tool that helps to resize image online and convert that image into gif, png, jpg, and bmp image.
→Mosamic is a free mosaic creation software to create photos mosaics and color mosaics. Choose number of tiles in mosaic. Comes with wizard like interface.
→TFlickrDownloader (beta) is a handy software that helps to download Flickr Photostream photos. it can download public and private photos as well.