Check How Websites Look In Multiple Versions Of Firefox
Utilu Mozilla Firefox Collection is a free application having over 45 Firefox versions. It lets you check how websites look in multiple versions of Firefox.
→Utilu Mozilla Firefox Collection is a free application having over 45 Firefox versions. It lets you check how websites look in multiple versions of Firefox.
→This write-up details pretty much everything about the Reading view in Microsoft Edge. You can use it for distraction free reading of textual web content.
→The blog-post explains how to you can remotely view passwords saved in Chrome. You can do that by accessing the Google Account used to sign in to Chrome.
→Typosaurus is a free online spell checker for checking typos in a web page. It can scan up to 100 URLs at a time. It also offers a Chrome extension.
→This article explains how to video chat using Firefox. You can do that using Firefox Hello. Starting a chat requires Firefox, but accepting a chat doesn’t.
→This article details how to auto arrange tabs alphabetically in Google Chrome. The Tab Grouper extension can auto arrange tabs alphabetically left to right.
→This article details how to manually backup extensions in Google Chrome. You can backup extensions & more by backing up contents of Google profile folder.
→This article details how to copy all links on a webpage in Google Chrome. Using Copy Links extension, you can copy both web-links, as well as text links.
→This article explains how to find word and character count of selected text in Google Chrome. You can also find information such as average sentence length.
→This article explains how to batch install and uninstall extensions in Google Chrome. You can do so by logging in/out of account to which they are synced.
→This article explains how to rename tab titles in Google Chrome. Using RenameTab extension, you can provide descriptive titles to active Google Chrome tabs.
→This article explains how to reset all settings to default in Google Chrome. You can reset the browser to default settings to correct errors, slowdowns etc.
→This article explains how to view Frame Rate of a webpage in Google Chrome. Using the FPS Counter flag, you can view the real time Frame Rate of a webpage.
→This tutorial details how to disable multiple simultaneous downloads from a website in Google Chrome. Doing this leads to better overall downloading speeds.