Network Scanner Tool To Find Total Number of PCs Connected To a Network
NetBScanner is a network scanner tool to check total computers connected to a network. Shows list of PCs including PC name, master browser, MAC address etc.
→NetBScanner is a network scanner tool to check total computers connected to a network. Shows list of PCs including PC name, master browser, MAC address etc.
→Here’s a list of 5 IRC client extensions for Google Chrome which you can use to chat via IRC while browsing with Chrome.
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→Ribbon Search is free MS Office Add-in program. It helps to quick search different MS Office features and functions. Works with Word, Excel, Access, Outlook
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→QuickSetDNS is used to change DNS server of Internet connection with any of the preferred DNS servers. It helps to create, edit, and delete DNS servers.
→Zello is free voice chatting software. You can use it on PC or smartphone. It comes with features like private channels, missed call alert, etc.
→Photon – Facebook Photo Editor is a useful extension for Google Chrome that helps to edit Facebook Photos, save, share enhanced photos to Facebook account.
→Auto Notes is a Chrome extension to capture notes while you are browsing on Google Chrome browser with a single click or through hotkeys.
→Here’s a list of 5 live weather extensions and apps for Google Chrome which you can use to keep track of weather in real time.
→WiFi Network Monitor (or Wi-fi Network Monitor) is a useful software that helps to automatically detect unknown devices connected with WiFi network.
→Pinned Window extension for Firefox, is a Firefox Add-on to pin opened tabs, lock them from being rearranged, and auto-restore them on next launch.