5 Free Desktop Calendar Software
Here, are 5 free desktop calendar software for your windows desktop. Download and try these desktop calendar software for free.
→Here, are 5 free desktop calendar software for your windows desktop. Download and try these desktop calendar software for free.
→CamDip is a free voice and video chat service where people can conduct free voice and video group chats without any installation or registration.
→Image Resizer is a free image resizing software for Windows which you can use in order to quickly and easily resize your images or photos. Free Download.
→Aside is a read it later Chrome extension which can be used to easily add bookmarks to the Pocket online bookmarking service.Try it free.
→Euthanasia is a free shooting horror game available for PC download. Get your guns and start killing the zombies.
→Alienforce is a free web browser or a Firefox clone which comes with slightly different interface and some additional interesting features. Download it free
→MergePDF is a free PDF merging software that can quickly merge PDF files into a single PDF file. Download it free.
→TorChat is a free anonymous instant messenger, which you can use to chat and send files anonymously and safely. Download TorChat for free.
→Here, are 5 free Stopwatch apps, extension for Google Chrome browser. Download best Stopwatch apps, extension for Chrome browser.
→Chocolatey NuGet is a free package manager for Windows which you can use in order to install applications just the same way like they’re installed in Linux.
→Stratiform is a Firefox add-on which you can use in order to customize Firefox by changing appearance and various Firefox settings.
→Slenderman is a free horror game for Android. This game is developed based on the famous horror game Slender. Download Slenderman free for Android.
→Chrome Toolbox is a Google Chrome Extension that add more features to Google Chrome to manage keyboard shortcuts and browser tabs in a better way.
→KillKeys is a free software that disable keys on your keyboard and prevent other programs from picking them up. Download it here.