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3 Free Python Coding Games to Learn Python Online
Here are some best free Python coding games to learn Python online. Use these websites to play and control everything in those games by writing Python code
9 Online Typewriter Quote Maker Websites Free
Here is the list of 9 online typewriter quote maker websites free. Type your quote and customize text with colors, size, effects and save the quote images.
5 Online MIDI to MP3 Converter Websites Free
Here is a list of 5 free online MIDI to MP3 converter websites. Some of these sites can also convert multiple MIDI files to MP3 files at a time.
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3 Free Windows 10 Family Tree Maker Apps
This article covers 3 free Windows 10 family tree maker apps where you can add all information about your family like images, relationships, facts, etc.
How To Disable Adding A New Microsoft User Account In Windows 10
Learn how to disable adding a new Microsoft user account in Windows 10. You and other users can use existing Microsoft accounts, but can’t add new account.
Windows 10 Storage Space Viewer App in a Tree Map View
Landiskape is a free Windows 10 app to view how much storage space is being used by which folder on your device in a tree map like view.
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Free Online Spreadsheet with AI Assistant, AI Formulas
Grid is a powerful product that combines the power of spreadsheets, text editors and presentation software in one platform which helps you to interact, present and visualize easily.
→Free Chrome Plugin to Access ChatGPT Chatbot on any Website
Access full ChatGPT features on every website with Blixem, including the ability to continue conversations across tabs.
→Free AI based Recruitment Email Generator based on GPT-3
Recruiter Email Generator from Hedwig is a free online AI based tool that can be used to create customized and effective emails for professional recruitment communication.
→Free tool to make interesting videos with screenshots or recordings
Here is a free tool that helps you give interesting video effects in your screenshots or screen recordings.
→Free AI YouTube Thumbnail Checker to Predict How well it will Perform
Thumbnail AI is a simply and free AI based tool that will provide a rating to a YouTube video Thumbnail and forecast how well it may perform.
→Poe: ChatGPT Like AI Chatbot by Quora to Ask Questions and Get Answers
Poe is a new app by Quora that lets you chat with different AI bots. Chat with those AI bots to get answers to general and academic questions
→How to Search in YouTube Captions to Find Specific Spoken Words
InCaptions is a free search engine that facilitates the search of YouTube videos based on the words in the video’s Captions instead of the Title or Description.
→Free Self Hosted Website Screenshot Generator with API: Screenia
Screenia is a free self-hosted website screenshot generator with API. Self-host it on a server to generate unlimited website screenshots.