How to Add Rounded Corners and Margins to Taskbar in Windows 10
See how to add rounded corners and margins to Taskbar in Windows 10. Use the tool mentioned here to do that in a few clicks
→See how to add rounded corners and margins to Taskbar in Windows 10. Use the tool mentioned here to do that in a few clicks
→See how to center Taskbar items, toggle small icons in Windows 10 in 1 click. Get the desktop enhancement utility here and customize taskbar
→Learn how to use Dynamic Desktop feature of macOS Mojave in Windows 10. Use the simple app mentioned here and display dynamic wallpapers on your desktop
→Here is a list of 5 free software to keep windows always on top. They let you keep a selected window on top even when you are working in another window.
→miniMIZE is a tool to minimize open windows as thumbnails on your desktop. You can also adjust the thumbnail size and position on screen. Check here.
→Effective DesktopPhotos is a free desktop designing and customizing app by adding picture boxes and making collage on the desktop. Try it free.
→Chameleon Folder is a free desktop enhancement for Windows which you can use to add folder favorites functionality to Windows. Get it free.
→Moo0 Transparent Menu is a free desktop utility for Windows which allows you to add transparency to context menus and change their themes. Get it Free.
→Moo0 Windows Menu Plus is a free desktop enhancement which allows you to expand the windows menu with options for transparency, moving, and more.
→OpenWith Enhanced is a free desktop enhancement for Windows which you can use to expand and improve the open with dialog.
→SideSwitch is a free software that helps the user to switch or move from one application to another conveniently. Download SideSwitch free.
→CFMiniBar is a free desktop enhancement utility to access individual drives through desktop. Try CFMiniBar to Access Hard Drives from Desktop Free.
→AutoBG is a free desktop enhancement utility which is very useful for creating dynamic slideshows on your desktop background. Try AutoBG Free
→Stick-It! is a free desktop enhancement utility to easily set a window above all the others on your screen. Try Stick-It! Free.