![StackExchange Notifier for Firefox, Shows Unread Counts StackExchange notifier for Firefox](https://www.ilovefreesoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/StackExchange-notifier-for-Firefox.png)
StackExchange Notifier for Firefox, Shows Unread Counts
Here is a free StackExchange Notifier add-on for Firefox that shows the total number of unread counts for inbox messages and your score on StackExchange.
→Here is a free StackExchange Notifier add-on for Firefox that shows the total number of unread counts for inbox messages and your score on StackExchange.
→Vertical Toolbar is a free Firefox add-on to quickly access bookmarks sidebar, history, web developer tools, etc. using a sidebar.
→GitHub Real Names is a free Firefox add-on that lets you view the real name of a GitHub user on Issues instead of showing the username of a particular user.
→Mind The Time is a free Firefox add-on that lets you track time spent on webpages. You can also view the summary for the present day, past 7 days, etc.
→Tab Groups is a free Firefox add-on that helps to organize and manage tabs easily. You can add multiple tabs in different groups and access them easily.
→Tile View is a free Firefox add-on to add tabs as tiles in a single tab. You can also set color and width for active tile.
→This tutorial explains how to use Pinterest in a pop-up in Firefox browser. It is made possible using an add-on, named Pinterest Panel.
→Here is a very good Firefox add-on that lets you access Facebook messenger in a pop-up window. You can send and receive messages using that pop-up.
→NumberedTabs is a free Firefox add-on that automatically adds numbers to opened tabs. It also adjusted numbering when you close or move a tab.
→Reddit Inbox Revamp is a free Firefox add-on that provides an enhanced and improved Inbox for Reddit. Also includes search option and organizes emails.
→Grammarly, one of the popular Grammar and spelling checkers is now available as an add-on for Firefox.
→Copy Urls Expert is a very good Firefox add-on to copy URLs of all opened tabs, URLs available in Selection, and URLs of images in selected content.
→Inbox™ Notifier is a very interesting add-on for Firefox that lets you access Google Mail Inbox in a pop-up. You can also set the size of pop-up window.
→Here is a free download manager add-on for Firefox, named Turbo Download Manager. It supports multi-threading and up to 10 threads can be used.