Windows 10 Weight Tracker App to Maintain Weight & BMI Log
Windows 10 weight tracker app which helps you maintain weight & bmi log and track the data through weekly, monthly, or yearly graphs. Check it out.
→Windows 10 weight tracker app which helps you maintain weight & bmi log and track the data through weekly, monthly, or yearly graphs. Check it out.
→My Child is a free child growth and development tracker app for Android. It helps you easily track your baby’s growth and screen development disorders.
→1 Gallon a day is a free drinks tracker app for iPhone to record and track the amount of water you drink in a day. Also, get reminders to drink water.
→7 Second Diet is a free meal tracking app for iPhone to record and track meals, exercise, weight, water, and drinks. View daily, weekly, and monthly data.
→Here’s a list of 4 personal trainer extensions for Chrome which you can use to get workout plans and even dieting plans if you plan on getting into shape.
→KnowYour4 is a web service which calculates your risk of heart attack by asking you to input a few parameters like blood pressure, Total Cholesterol, etc.
→Better Posture is a website which will remind you to take regular breaks after every 20 minutes to keep you healthy. Check it out.
→Here is a list of 5 websites to learn six pack abs workout lessons. These websites come up with different exercises & schedules for you to develop your abs.
→Here is a list of 5 free websites to learn first aid basics. The websites make available some basic first aid methods that can be used during emergency.
→Air Pollution in World is a free online map to check real-time air quality index and air pollution level in the world.
→Here is a list of 5 free websites to learn stretch exercises online. These websites provide you with lots of tips and videos to learn different exercises.
→GAIN Fitness Cross Trainer is a free iPhone fitness app with audio and image tutorials. The app includes exercises, workouts, and 4-day fitness plans.
→Health Calculator is a free Windows 8 app to calculate CBR, BAI, BMR, LBM, Goal weight calculator. It also shows healthy recipes.
→Here is a list 5 exercises to do while working on PC. You can easily perform these exercises to get rid of the fatigue and strain of working for long hours.