How to Install and Run Android Apps on Ubuntu without Emulator
See how to install and run Android apps on Ubuntu without an emulator. Install Android apps natively and launch them like system apps
→See how to install and run Android apps on Ubuntu without an emulator. Install Android apps natively and launch them like system apps
→Here are some best free Linux apps to draw over screen. Use them to draw freely on screen or use shapes like circle, arrow, triangle, square
→Here is a free Linux emulator to run Windows applications in browser. Use the software here to run even 16 bit applications
→This article explains how to enable Linux Bash Shell with WSL 2 on Windows 10. WSL 2 has significant advantages over WSL 1 especially speed and efficiency.
→See how to run same command on multiple Linux servers in one go. Use parallel processing tool mentioned here and sent same command on multiple VPS/Servers
→Here are some best free software to install Linux from within Windows without CD or USB. Use these tools to install Linux in just few clicks
→Sugar on Stick is a free Linux os to make learning easier for children. Filled with interactive fun games and application to make learning more exciting.
→Linuxzoo provides free shell accounts to let you work on a real Linux system. You can connect to it with the browser or a telnet client. Try this out.
→DoudouLinux is a free Linux for kids with lots of educational games, software which makes it the best OS for children by making the learning process easier.
→DVBlast is a free DVB streaming software for Linux which you can use to stream TV and radio channels from DVB card via network. RTP streaming also works.
→Sugar On A Stick is a free educational Linux distribution which comes with a lot of educational tools to help kids learn. Get it free.
→Zorin OS is a free Linux distro which have a similar look and feel like the Windows 7. Try Zorin OS Free.
→Amahi is a powerful, free home server that helps you to share or stream your media collection to your screens and devices. Try Amahi Free
→PayMaster is free accounting software developed in Linux. The free payroll software is loaded with calculating and reporting features to manage payroll.