How to add Voice Notes in Email Sent from Microsoft Outlook
Record your audio note and send voicemail messages in Outlook. Your recording can be listened to by your recipient, directly inside Outlook!
→Record your audio note and send voicemail messages in Outlook. Your recording can be listened to by your recipient, directly inside Outlook!
→CodeTwo is a “reply all reminder” plugin for MS Outlook which reminds you to hit Reply All button when there are multiple recipients in the email.
→Topalt HotKeys is a completely free hotkey manager for Microsoft Outlook. It serves you as a tool to send canned responses & perform other actions
→DeskTask is a free desktop enhancement for Outlook which allows you to display Outlook tasks and appointments on your desktop. Free download.
→Comindware Task Management is a free Task Manager for windows to manage daily tasks in a organization. Pre-register Comindware Task Management Free.
→Kernel PST Viewer is a free PST Viewer to open PST file without Microsoft Outlook. Download Free PST Viewer.
→Pimero is a free email client that can be used as an alternative to Microsoft Outlook. Download Pimero Free.
→EasyLinkMail is a free Outlook plugin to add conversation view to Outlook. It groups together emails of same conversation. Download EasyLinkMail Free.
→Here is a small tutorial that explains how to synchronize outlook folders. This uses free Outlook plugin CodeTwo Folder Sync AddIn.
→OutlookAttachView is a free software that searches all messages in Outlook, and extracts all the attachments from them. You can then download all the Outlook attachments.
→Outsync is a free software that synchronizes Outlook contacts with Facebook contacts. Download Outsync free.
→Harmony for SharePoint is a free Microsoft Outlook sidebar that integrates Outlook with Sharepoint. Download Harmony for SharePoint Free.
→PSTPassword is a free software to recover lost password of Outlook PST file. PSTPassword recovers password of PST file easily. Download PSTPassword Free.
→Xobni adds advanced search features to Microsoft Outlook. Using Xobni, you can easily search your emails in Outlook. Download Xobni Free.