Free Event Log Monitoring Software for Windows 10 with Real-time Alerts
Here is a free event log monitoring software for Windows 10 with real-time alerts. Use it to monitor specific event log for specific event ID
→Here is a free event log monitoring software for Windows 10 with real-time alerts. Use it to monitor specific event log for specific event ID
→Here is a free page fault monitoring software to see the process with most page faults. Use it to monitor page fault status in realtime in Windows
→Here’s a free website monitor software for Windows to watch unlimited pages. Here this software take URLs from you to watch and execute commands, show diff
→Here are some best free remote monitoring and management tools for MSPs. Use these tools to manage and monitor remote PCs and push patches, updates
→Here are 4 free process monitoring software for Windows. You can see the list of all processes, end a process, create log for processes, etc.
→Here is a free employee monitoring software with screenshot, URL, Apps tracking. It can send continuous screenshots to you with URL and Apps usage
→Here is a free earthquake monitoring website to see recent earthquakes across the world on a map. Also, you can see the location, date, time, and magnitude.
→Thiulmera is a free real-time monitoring software to monitor various hardware components like network, hard drives, RAM, CPU status, sound, and more.
→NewFileGo is a free folder monitor that can run commands when changes are detected. You can set the type of command to execute for any change.
→Here’s a list of 5 file monitoring software for Windows 10 which you can use to keep track of changes made to files within a given folder.
→SmartSniff is a free software to find detailed information about TCP-IP packets passing through network adapter. It can generate their HTML reports as well.
→Wise System Monitor (beta) is a free system monitoring software to monitor running processes and live RAM usage. Also provides system hardware information.
→Win-UFO is free software. it’s a package of system monitoring tools, consisting of antiviruses, browser history viewer, Log Viewers, Password Recovery etc.
→DirLogger is a free folder monitoring software with GUI and command line version. This folder monitor can calculate md5 checksums and scan at intervals.