Swap Faces in Photos using AI in Colab with this Open Source Tool
Swap faces between two photos online for free using this open source project here in Google Colab. Replace face in photo for free.
→Swap faces between two photos online for free using this open source project here in Google Colab. Replace face in photo for free.
→Peel is an open-source, online drum machine/sequencer with Roland 808 style samples. Run it in browser or host yourself🍌
→FreedomGPT is a 100% uncensored AI chatbot launched by Age of AI to showcase inevitability & necessity of unbiased and censor free AI
→SQLite GUI is a lightweight SQLite editor for Windows that is small, simple, powerful, fast, and free. Supports Charts, import/export
→DopplerTask is a revolutionary open-source software that allows you to easily automate tasks. Run bash scripts or starting your car remotely
→The best and simplest self-hosted open source website change detection monitoring and notification service.
→Here are some best free open source alternatives to Notion. Use them to create notes and pages like Notion. Install them on your own server.
→CasaOS is a free open source home cloud system for personal use you can install it on one of your spare servers even Raspberry Pi and then use it from anywhere in the world.
→Here is a free website to download open source icons. It has around 100k icons that you can download an use them in commercial projects
→Here is a free open source online tool to remove tattoos from photos using AI. Use this tool here to process any photo in a few clicks
→Here is a free website to download open source icons that you can download on your PC. Use the website to search and download SVG icons
→This article covers a free open source app to teach kids how to read that makes online learning effective for kids.
→Here is a free open source alternative to Notion. Use the Notion clone mentioned here to create and publish pages with images and HTML
→Here is a free REST client for Chrome and Firefox. Use it to build simple as well as complex API requests and get response. It’s open source too.