Free tool to Statically Analyze PHP Projects for Errors: PHPStan
Here is a free tool to statically analyze PHP projects for errors. Use this tool to analyze entire PHP project without actually running code
→Here is a free tool to statically analyze PHP projects for errors. Use this tool to analyze entire PHP project without actually running code
→This article covers a simple way to turn PHP var_dump output to better readable text. It adds the proper syntax-aware formatting to the var_dump output and makes the debugging process less annoying.
→Here’s a list of 5 PHP editor software for Windows 10 which you can use to edit PHP on your Windows 10 powered devices.
→PHP docs-to-go lets you access PHP documentation offline in Chrome. It lets you search functions and shows you user experience about those functions.
→Kinetic Wing is a free portable web development IDE which you can use in order to develop web application using all the common web languages.
→phpHarden is a free software that easily and quickly obfuscate (transforming readable code into a clumsy, unreadable format) PHP projects. Check it out.
→Here, is a list of 3 free online tools to minify PHP files. Easily minify PHP files online with these free PHP minifiers.
→2-plan Team is an open source project management tool which is completely web based and can be installed on any web server with PHP support. Try 2-plan Team Free.
→Structy is a free software that can automatically generate PHP classes from MySQL database. Download Structy free.