Disable Windows 10 Tracking with Avira Privacy Pal Free
Here is free Windows 10 privacy tool from Avira to disable web, Windows tracking. Use it to clean digital traces from PC and tweak a lot of privacy settings
→Here is free Windows 10 privacy tool from Avira to disable web, Windows tracking. Use it to clean digital traces from PC and tweak a lot of privacy settings
→Kaspersky Security Cloud (free) comes with antivirus, VPN, and password manager features. You can also clean PC, delete user activity traces, etc.
→OneID is a free online service which you can use in order to protect your identity and privacy when shopping, doing financial transactions. Free service.
→Here Comes The Boss is a free privacy protection tool to close browser windows quickly and open up a specific program. Try it Free.
→Spotflux is a combination of malicious cookie blocker, IP changer, internet connection encryption and virus scanner. Download Spotflux free.
→NetQin Security and AntiVirus for android is a free app to protect android devices from Viruses, Malware and Spyware. Download NetQin Security and antivirus for android free.
→BitDefender Safego is a free web app that is created to scan your Twitter user account and detect scams, spam and other e-threats. Try BitDefender Safego free.